Exotic. Rare. Exquisite.

Advertisements are funny.

During my drive to school this morning, I was thinking about the ephemeral quality of things people consider to be so important. Staples of our existence are passing and really not important at all. For example, take Starbucks (where I am right now, and what I passed about 5 times on the car ride). Starbucks is so well-liked and so prominent in the Seattleite’s life. I mean, it’s no longer, “I’m going to buy a coffee.” It’s, “I’m going to buy a Starbucks.”

Since the morning I was shaken, life has taken on a slightly new meaning. I have, bit by bit, been trying to take things slower. I’ve been putting people first more, especially on the road. I dehumanize people in cars. So, I let people cut in front of me more often without getting upset. Also, I’ve been thinking about loneliness more- I’ve been spotting it more. When homeless people come about, I think more about helping them or just talking to them. I want to take more notice to the small things. Let me try now:

The baristas are happy. They smile, and there’s one in particular that laughs a lot.

A man near the window wears a fabulous mustache.

I appreciate the advertisements, even if they are propaganda.

There’s a man with Napoleon Dynamite glasses standing in line. I imagine that he mostly keeps to himself.

There’s a girl a year older than me standing in line who went to high school with me. Either she doesn’t remember me or she chooses not to acknowledge me. Or I have her mistaken.

Christmas cups, red Christmas barista aprons.

Christmas trees and holly depicted in the ads.

Ah, Christmas Christmas Christmas!

I worry too much about finals and tests. I have a test tomorrow that I am not prepared for, but will be prepared for in the morning. Why can’t I simply trust myself to study? I always have to fret, fret, fret. I wouldn’t let myself fail. I must trust myself in that.

The mind is a funny, funny thing. Everyone’s mind uses the same language but functions and thinks very different things. People judge people upon first glances. Heck, I did just a second ago: I imagine he mostly keeps to himself. Why? Because he’s wearing glasses that aren’t trendy? Perhaps he’s extraordinarily outgoing. Who am I to say? Yet there’s a certain beauty about thinking about people this way. And then again, there’s a certain trouble that comes with putting people in boxes.

I desire to know more people. God meant us to exist in community. If he didn’t, there would be no such thing as love. Therefore, I must aspire to know more people. To love more people. To love on people like I was meant to love on people.

I really enjoy life.

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